Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A step back in the right direction

Last week, while grabbing a bacon, egg white and cheese sandwich, I was hit on the arm by a man while stepping off a local eatery’s outside deck. After suddenly jolting to my right, I recognized him as an old family friend. His first words to me: “Are you still writing?” I paused for a second and uttered a response, “I haven’t in awhile,” I quickly said with a slight stutter. “I’ve been real busy but do it when I can … maybe every six months or so.”

But the more I think about things, it’s been longer than six months since I’ve written a column. Probably closer to a year and a half. I can blame this non-writing stint on lack of time, my full-time and side jobs, and the health and fitness web site my buddy and I recently decided to undertake. But the truth is, lack of journalistic focus sounds more like the reason for my hiatus.

Journalism was part of my life, consistently, for over a decade. It was more than just something I did — it defined who I was. I wasn’t a journalism major in college — a degree in business management was my path. I learned how to write from those writers who were better than me. I would read their works, listen to their words of advice and make my best damn attempt to transfer their teachings into my own masterpieces.

And now, for some reason, I figure it’s time to get my mind and fingers back into action. Maybe it’s because of the people who’ve asked why I haven’t been writing. I don’t know whether they truly enjoy my columns or if they’re just being nosy. Or maybe it’s because of the inner thrill that journalism brings — the handshakes, the snarls, the controversy, the awards, or even the ability to make a different in someone’s life or thoughts. It all comes with the territory. And it’s a great zone to roam.

So, here I am. I’m back, somewhat, for now. The head shot is new, the column name remains the same, but the text is ever-changing.

Another bacon, egg white and cheese sandwich, please.